Monday, March 14, 2011


Written at 10:25 pm on 3/10/2011

Awake she rises from the earth
the winds play the music of her voice
her feet dug beneath the core's center
she awakens the rain washes-up the winter residue and renew her fruitful pulse
she walks the earth and the oceans tremble
she calls upon her children, spirits of the earth
her strenght echoing within Himalyan mountains
her endless giving, we are part of her
she is our mother, goddess Gaia

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

To Be Human

By Pauline Saade

To simply make mistakes, to admit and learn from them
To love, to fall, to cry
To dream of endless possibilities
To create unthinkable ideas
To feel heartaches and hurt deep within the center of your soul
To heal, to help, to weep and laugh
To run, to climb to fight rightful battles
To nurture, to hold, to let go and say goodbyes
To live, to grieve and feel the loneliness of the night
To teach, to take, to give and break
To paint, to build, to fly and swim
To shatter thoughts in molecules and spread the knowledge and wealth
to connect, to enlighten, to die and see life's truth

copyright: P. Saade 2011/2012 All rights reserved